
Personality Profiling, Career Planning, Compatibility Traits, Personnel Screening

Play the game that teaches you about yourself!
Below you will find twelve images. Print this page.
Then follow the rules listed below for taking this test.

1 2 3 4 5 6
7 8 9 10 11 12

Doodle on a clean piece of white paper in order 1 through 12

  1. Look at each square in order, left to right one at a time!
  2. Draw only the first thing that comes to mind within each square!
  3. Do not ponder before drawing!
  4. Do not turn sideways!
  5. Do not take more than ten minutes total time to complete!

Complete accuracy only if drawings are spontaneous!

Curious about your self image, home life, friendship, sex, self confidence, self interest, maturity from parents, attitude toward competition, aspirations, social orientation, or creativity?
Place your drawings in a SASE, along with a check (Check the Price List for the approriate amount), and mail to the address listed below.
Your Confidential Doodle Analysis will be mailed to you within 24 hours of receipt of payment. Include email address for faster results.